Sci-Tech (POB) Ltd. is an SME (Small to Medium Enterprise) based in the Space Cluster at Harwell.
The company was formed in 2008 after the owners became the first triple winners of the European Satellite Navigation Competition, winning the UK Prize, the GSA (GNSS Supervisory Authority) prize for the best use of EGNOS, and the overall Galileo Masters prize. The prize winning concept was for a 'Man Overboard' product for the leisure boating market. |
We have expanded the original idea to create a ruggedised marine tracker. You can follow the story under 'POB History'.
The company is now based in the Space Cluster at Harwell, Oxford, where it is nearing completion of the development of its Diver Tracking and Alert system, and supplying consultancy in GNSS enabled tracking, especially in harsh / maritime environments. |
Main Features and Benefits:
Immediate localised tracking and pickup Real Time monitoring of diver position on the surface Guidance back to diver using boats own integral familiar equipment Alternate Daylight visible screen for diver position Intelligent power management and low power electronics extends life Compatible with and interface to existing maritime systems Data logging Unique system for detecting optimal time to send messages |
Video Links (under construction): |